Top 8 list of Men You Should Not Marry

As is evident from the title of my post, I am not going to talk about mushy-mushy things related to romantic things, but certain more important and possibly quite unromantic things today, which may not be very pleasant to think at. Ok! So you are deeply in love with your boyfriend/fiancée and are dying to get married to your love without any much delay. Have you ever given a thought, if the person you love so madly is apt for marriage at all? Well, if that makes you think then here, Father Pat Connor, missionary, marital expert and the first priest ever to be quoted by Glamour magazine tells certain points you must think about, before committing to a man for your lifetime.

Father Pat Connor is an Australian-born Catholic priest and now lives in New Jersey. He has around 40 years of experience in counseling engaged couples into one manual of advice - "Whom Not to Marry". He has guided innumerous pre-marital counseling and has conducted over more than 200 weddings. He also lectures high school girls on the unforeseen problems of marrying the wrong guy.

And he focuses on counseling young women, as once they have fallen in love, they will be less likely able to absorb his sensible and often unromantic suggestions. He feels that there are no soul mates, and only lovers to whom we commit.
Connor's basic thesis is that you may be passionately and deeply in love with someone, but that doesn't mean that you may lead a successful married life with him as well.

So, Connor's 'whom not to marry' list goes below here:

1. Men who are all in all momma's boys.

2. Men who are bad with money.

3. Men who are quite unsocial and don't have any friends.

4. Men who don't give any regards to your respect and can mock you in public.

5. Men who are rude to waitering staff (Very important point!).

6. Men who are unable to laugh at themselves.

7. Men who are dominant and unwilling to share any authority.

8. Men who never make demands countering yours.

Connor suggests at least one year engagement for the couples to examine carefully the values and characters of a person's future spouse, before committing for the life time. If you can not adjust in this one year, chances are less that you can adjust anymore going further.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work  How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It  Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling: A Guide to Brief Therapy


  1. I am re-posting this in FB.Many of my friends need to know these....:X
    Thank U!!!

  2. A typical beginning to couple's therapy includes an initial meeting with both partners.


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