Being a Mother

I think it has been almost a year since I published anything about myself here on my blog. And now when I thought of writing here again, I am in loss of words and couldn't find any place to start from. Doesn't it always happen with us? Writing here right now is exactly like meeting my best friend of school days after a decade. You just feel a bit of awkwardness in breaking the ice. Well, since I've already written a couple of sentences now, I think I can go with the flow. What say?

Life has been a roller coaster ride since past few months. I got blessed with a beautiful baby boy in October 2012, and now I can actually feel the "super hard work" my mom would have done in raising me. I seriously feel, if mothers start getting payment for their work, every mom would be a millionaire in no time. However, it is all rewarding since the payment I have been getting in this role is eternal bliss, feeling of being complete, loads of smiles, an excitement to see something new and astonishing every day and pure love.

My son - Abhiraj

Though I am a full time mother and house wife now, I have still continued working on my beauty blog as and when I get time and energy to do so. My freelance writing work has taken a backstage for the time being and I am in no hurry to go back to it. Funny thing is, even after staying away from my IT life, I don't miss it at all. Sometimes, when I remember my life being a software engineer, those 8 years feel like somewhere from my previous birth or past life or whatever you call that.

Life has been a constant change for me, and I think that is what makes it so exciting. However, I must admit that sometimes all the turmoil drains you off of your energy and peace of mind, and you need to find the focus to set yourself up again. Earlier I used to do that while listening to some of my favorite trance tracks, but now it isn't possible coz I have to keep my eyes and ears open all the time for any call from my little one. So, I simply close my eyes, lie down beside him with his hand touching mine and try to calm down doing deep breathing exercises.

Do you follow any particular exercise to find your inner peace? Share yours with me in your comments below. I might get benefit from that. :)


  1. hey Kimi....congrats :) and, great to have you back!! and, your baby is reallyyyyyy cute and lots of love to him :)
    as to your ques - listening to some shlokas or reading something calms me a lot!!! or, deep breathing is always there!

    1. Hey thanks Swati... :D :D And thanks for the suggestions. Please suggest some shlokas. Gimme their youtube links if you can find them there.. :D

  2. hey i tell you what works for me .... i walk out in the open and look till the last point in the horizon ..... let your eyes focus on the farthest point .. and take care


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