Subconscious mind and belief

I had been reading this book "The Power of Subconscious mind" by Jospeh Murphy for some n’th time now. I bought this book many years back, and might have read it more than 100 times by now. The book has many examples and experiences of people who had achieved the impossible, just by their mental programming and strong belief. It inspires me a lot, every time I read these experiences. Let me share one well known incident with you that has been described in the book:

 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
This is the well-known, duly authenticated case of Madame Bire of France, recorded in the archives of the medical department of Lourdes, France. She was blind; the optic nerves were atrophied and useless. She visited Lourdes and had what she termed a miraculous healing.

Ruth Cranston, a Protestant young lady who investigated and wrote about healings at Lourdes in McCall’s magazine, November, 1955, writes about Madame Bire as follows:

"At Lourdes she regained her sight incredibly, with the optic nerves still lifeless and useless, as several doctors could testify after repeated examinations. A month later, upon re-examination, it was found that the seeing mechanism had been restored to normal. But at first, so far as medical examination could tell, she was seeing with ‘dead eyes.’"

The waters of the shrine did not heal Madame Bire, to whom we just referred, but by her own subconscious mind, which responded to her belief.
The healing principle within her subconscious mind responded to the nature of her thought. Belief is a thought in the subconscious mind. It means to accept something as true. The thought accepted executes itself automatically.
Undoubtedly, Madame Bire went to the shrine with expectancy and great faith, knowing in her heart she would receive a healing. The subconscious mind, which created the eye, can certainly bring a dead nerve back to life. What the creative principle created, it can recreate. According to your belief is it done unto you!

What more can I say about belief while living in a land where a ginger can be worshipped as God, if it has the shape of Lord Ganesha!! :)


  1. get the jaiho button cali , cos that is what you deserve :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho:
    i have read almost all ur articles but never commented ..i had to comment on this one becos i am an ardent beleiver in subconsious mind and the power of spoken words too.
    you writings are amazing :-*

  2. OMG!! he he he..thankoooooooooo naina!! :D :D ..I am feeling so awesome now!! :P :P :-*

  3. i do believe in dunno wat went wrong or wat goes wrong...sumtyms life becums too difficult..n den u start losing ur beliefs..evn though u dont want to..thgs becumin so tuf wit age !!

  4. I too agree with you bhumika..sometimes, life just becomes too crappy to believe that anything can ever become fine. and you feel like ~x( ...but what I do during these times is that I think about the bad phases I had last time, and think about how I overcame them and how much time did it take to get past them.

    It always helps in cheering up, thinking that this phase too shall pass!! :) :) .... *hugs* :D :D

  5. u know I feel v share many similar interests..:) how do u know so much bout law being an engineer ?

  6. he he..yeah..I also think the same..I used to read a lot about subconscious mind programming, NLP, law of attraction and other stuffs...I first got introduced to this concept, when one of my office mates gifted me "The Power HEaling" book by Dr. Zin Gang Sha, when he was acting as my secret Santa!!...I was so intrigued by this, that I decided to check further about this aspect, and I was shocked to see and read the experiences people have, their explanations and the exact theory behind how miracles happen in people's lives. Then I read the book "Think and Grow rich" by Napolean Hill, which was really an eye opener. After that I read "The power of subconscious mind", and then "The Secret". The movie was indeed good but I found "What the bleep do we know" better than that, in explaining the scientific reasons behind how the universal law of attraction works!! :) ...Even my story got published on the official website of "The secret". I wrote a short e-book too, explaining my experiences with the law of attraction!! :D :D ..I am such a firm believer in this law, though I am not very religious. You can call me a die hard New Agie!! he he!! :) :) :)

  7. hehe..dats superb..ur story got published..!!
    i have read secret n thnk n grow rich n beyond d secret..n anthony robbins the power within..n shakti gawains creative visualisation..
    i had attended a mind power seminar thru which i came to know all dis..n startd believing.n thgs wer goin fab for me..right now thgs nt goin gud frm a year n i dunno sumtyms its like dis all doesnt work..dunno ya..jus get confused :(

  8. I think the problem may be that you are trying too hard. Sometimes we create our own blockages by thinking too much or putting too much efforts on something, which takes certain things away from you, instead of bringing them to you. You have to first get into the frequency of highest vibration and that is of love and happiness and then work on your thoughts. That does the trick!! :)

  9. "15 Minutes a Day to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams."
    Auto-pilot. No boring or long ebooks to read. What else to ask for? :)

    Personal Development / Self-Help (audio) program that is designed to automatically reprogram a person's subconscious mind, to dissolve their limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset, and allow them to manifest the life of their dreams.

    Follow the link for you’re free presentation. How to Activate Subconscious Mind



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