Tips to rectify a few things you might be unhappy about

In your day to day life, as you go along, how many times do you notice the way you deal with people and situations? Do you see yourself as a calm, kind and patient being while you communicate with your family, friends and colleagues? Or do you feel tense, stressful and somewhat negative about your approach towards them? If you belong to the latter category of people then following points may help you in knowing the root cause of your tensions, anger or frustration.

Once you have identified what has been troubling you, you can work more clearly on solving the issue. Have a look at some possible reasons below:

1. You wish you could have lead a different life:
Do you feel content with your life at present? Or is it
a different life altogether from the happy life you'd always dreamed of? If things are disappointing for you at the moment then do the following:

- Identify one thing that you are most willing to change and make a plan for it.

- Repeat it till the necessary change is done.

- Do the same again for another; taking one change at a time.

2. You are not completely content with your relationships:

Do you feel that your relationship with your spouse, mother, father, boss or friend isn't going great? If you always feel a nagging tense feeling by just thinking about that person, you have a trouble in your relationship with this person. Following steps might help:

- Make a list of all the good things you can think about this person.

- Make an intention to forgive this person for whatever bad he/she might have done to you. Also, intend to forgive yourself for feeling bad about this person. Holding grudges can only reduce your energy levels and do no good.

-Whenever next you talk or communicate with this person, try to understand more than hoping or expecting to be understood. Once you focus on understanding what the person has to say, you impulsively react in a way that works well for both of you.

3. You don't take good care of yourself:
There might be a time when you were proud of your fit and healthy body. You used to workout well, eat healthy food and take good care of yourself. As life went on, other things started getting more important and you could hardly spend any time and energy on yourself. The result - a constant nagging depression about self worth and self esteem. I can relate quite well to this point, as I faced similar situation after my delivery around 1.5 years back. I had put on around 12-15 kg weight post-pregnancy and it was a constant prickling pain to see myself out of shape looking like a sac. Trust me, there was a time when I was scared of trying any new clothes. My whole time and energy would be gone in taking care of my little one and I would excuse myself from working out. It was only after I said "Enough" to myself, took charge of my life and determined to work out no matter what, that things began to change and this also altered my attitude towards myself and life. Not only I lost around 14 kgs weight in a span of 6 months, but now I feel great, energetic and overall happy about myself.
How did I manage? 
I work out at night after putting my little one to sleep! Finding 30 minutes to take care of your body and mind isn't too much to ask for! If I can do it, so can you. Just figure out what works well with your lifestyle.

4. You fail to deliver your commitments:
Many times our frustrations also build from our lack of keeping up with our promises and commitments. It doesn't matter whether that commitment is as small as planning to wake up early morning at 5 everyday. It is important that you follow your words and keep up with your commitments.
- Check the simplest of your commitments that you'd been unable to deliver.
- Identify the reason.
- Alter the commitment to something you feel is more doable for you and ensure that you do it without fail. For example if you are unable to wake up at 5am, make the commitment to 6 am which could be done. Once you achieve this, you can set the 5 am target.

5. You feel you are not staying true to yourself:

Do you feel that you have become altogether a different person than what you used to be a couple of years back? Its true that we pretend a lot to keep our family, friends, spouse and boss happy, and may be forget our true selves while leading a life that pleases everyone else but us. Find time to relax, meditate and center yourself to your core. Once you are able to relax and relate to yourself, you will be able to find that inner peace.

Feeling good, doesn't take too much efforts. It's just the knowing that takes time. Once you realize it, staying happy can easily be habituated.
posted from Bloggeroid


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