My second painting - With Water and Acrylic colors

I know I am no professional artist, nor I got any chance to learn art from anyone. I can only try doing things, and learn on my own - the way it has been happening since the time, I started to learn anything, without any professional support. There are flaws, which I have to rectify. But, I feel that for second one, it can't be so bad. Anyways, here is my first experiment with Acrylic and Water colors on a 420 x 594 mm sized A2 sheet. Check it out below:


  1. really awsome.......who says its not work of a professional...

  2. This post looks a bit odd because usually people do the marketing first and then at the bottom write disclaimers and that too with the smallest possible font size. You on the other hand wrote a huge disclaimer at the start and then your painting!

    There is one thing which I like you. It’s not typically you but everyone who are like you!
    You hold passion towards some things in life and you don’t sell your passion to make a living!
    I mean, look at those singers and actors…I really feel pity! They sell something which was partially within them when they were born and they are selling something which they are not really the sole owners!

    Ahh…The painting looks nice and had I been you, I would write a disclaimer that: I am used to print ‘Hello World’ everyday and this is something more than ‘Hello World’!

  3. First of all thanks for liking my painting, and the post. As far as me, placing a disclaimer in the beginning is concerned,then it has been my habit all the way till now. I don't want people to assume things and then blame me for their "assumptions". So, I always make it clear that I am on the same line with whosover I am interacting to.

    Regarding singers and actors are concerned, well I guess some of them (not all) may be really passionate about these art forms. Or, may be these are the only things they feel, they are good at. And, one can easily find that out in their presentations, which they show to the world.Some of them enter this world for glamour, name, fame and money. If they get a Godfather, they succeed. Else "ye jo public hai, ye sab jaanti hai, jo public hai". lol...

  4. Hilarious! :-)
    Assumptions…bad thing! But tell me, do you get bothered if a stranger puts blame on your head for something which he assumed about you? The point of asking you that was; I don’t bother what the rest of the world thinks about my words and actions. However, there are few people whom I’m very particular that they shouldn’t be feeling in the wrong way. Funny part is; as long as these people know me, they don’t make assumptions. They in fact make correct judgments! I hope I didn’t mix the ideas and made a pickle out of it! :-D
    Well, being passionate about something is really good. Selling your passion…very bad! I was zero when I was born and I studied for say 15 or 16 years. Now I am making use of whatever I studied every day at work. So whatever that is in my head which I am selling completely belongs to me! At the same time I’m passionate about playing guitar (only after making sure that no one is around ;-)) and cooking (thanks to my friends for being guinea pigs!). Maybe after another 10 years of practice, I could join a US band and make 10 times more than what I am earning right now or I could end up being a highly paid chief chef in Taj or Marriot but what is the point? Passion is something which we possess for our self satisfaction and not to entertain others or to impress others or to become popular or to gain money! This is strictly my version and the reason why I hate these singers and actors.


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